Yunjin Choi
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Student
health communication
Persuasion and Social Influence
Media effects
Heather Gahler
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Candidate
Media effects, body image, and diverse groups
Social media
Intergroup Communication
she/her/hers and they/them/theirs
Yu Jeong Hwang
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Student
Political Communication
Election Campaigns
Social media
Daniel Montez
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Candidate
Political Communication
Media effects
Cecilia Sada Garibay
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Student
Media effects
Media literacy
Media stereotypes
Michelle Suarez
Ph.D. Student
Unity and Engagement Committee Member
Health Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Jiaqi Zeng
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Student
Interpersonal Communication
Gender and media
Media effects
Nicole Zenzola
Graduate Teaching Associate
Ph.D. Student
Interpersonal Communication
Affectionate Communication