Faculty Expertise Areas (Clickable)
Media Content and Effects

Media Theory; Media Portrayals of Social Groups; Effects on Young People; Family Media Use; Children and Advertising; Entertainment Education; Communication and Music
Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication Theory; Psychophysiology and Interpersonal Affection; Nonverbal Communication; Social Skills; Positive Communication
Communication Technology and Social Networks

Online Knowledge Sharing; Seeking Health Information Online; Effects of Social Media on Young People; Mediated Interpersonal Communication
Intergroup and Intercultural Communication

Intergroup contact and Prejudice Reduction; Intergenerational Communication; Cultural Values and Social Norms; Collective Action
Social Influence and Communication Campaigns

Environmental Communication; Health Campaigns; Interpersonal Influence; Persuasion Theory
Family Communication

Helicopter Parenting; Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships; Media Use in the Family
Health Communication

Online Health Information; Health Campaigns; Health Effects of Media Consumption; Social Support and Cancer; Interpersonal Skills and Mental Health
Political Communication

Public Opinion; Social Media and Political Incivility; Gender and Politics; Political Campaigns
Organizational and Small Group Communication

Small Group and Organizational Theory; Machine Learning Analysis of Small Group Interaction; Organizational Knowledge Sharing; Online Communities