Communication Minor (Main Campus Only)

Students must complete a minimum of 18 units, half of which must be upper-division (9 units), and have a 2.0 GPA in the minor to graduate. At least 3 units must be completed at the University of Arizona. The Communication minor is only available for main campus students.

COMM Minor Outline

How to Declare the Minor

  • Complete the COMM Minor Information Session and Quiz. New minors are declared every Friday at the start of the business day.
  • Continuing students must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 and no pending incomplete grades.

Required Courses

Core (3 units required for the minor)

This course offers a general introduction to the systematic study of human communication. It is intended to provide a overview of communication study, including definitions of key terms, explanations of foundational concepts and assumptions, a brief history of the discipline, methods of research, and areas of specialized scholarship.

Skills (9 units)

This course explores how communication functions in small groups. Readings, assignments, and activities are designed to help observe and understand the communication processes and outcomes that occur in small groups.  Aspects covered include: verbal and nonverbal communication in groups, the structure and environment of groups, group member roles, group decision making, leadership, conflict management, group development, and meeting management.  In this course you will apply communication concepts to actual situations as you participate in small groups throughout the semester. Since you will be building on the material learned in COMM 101, you must have completed, or be enrolled in, COMM 101 to take this class.

An introductory course in interpersonal communication.  It is expected that you will finish the course with knowledge of basic interpersonal communication principles, as well as practice in applying those principles in everyday interpersonal settings.  To that end, the class will combine readings, lectures, in-class activities, and out-of-class assignments.  Emphasis will be on understanding and achieving communication goals in interpersonal relationships, including the following areas: effective listening, emotional expression, self presentation, self disclosure, initiating relationships, maintaining relationships, gaining compliance, and managing conflict.

This course provides an overview of culture and communication, isolating similarities and differences across cultures, which affect cultural intergroup and intercultural communication.  We address the challenges one faces in attempting to communicate across cultures, and present ways to address these challenges.  Students practice intercultural communication to improve their skills and sensitivity.

This course is designed to help students become more comfortable with speaking in public, and to familiarize them with the theory-based, basic skills of public speaking.  It will also help to increase students' communication, competence, and effectiveness, as well as improve  capabilities in research, and critical thinking.  This course will expose students to a variety of everyday speaking occasions.

This is a fundamental course in public relations that is designed to offer students a broad overview of public relations as a field and help them to set up a solid foundation for upper level Public Relations courses. It's intended to develop in students a broad and basic understanding of public relations -- what it encompasses, its history and influences, and its practices and processes in the contemporary business world and in society at large. Ethical issues for public relations practitioners will be considered, as well as the impact of globalization and new technologies in this field, through examination of current events and case studies.

An overview of new communication technology and the process of adoption of new technologies in groups, organizations, and communities.

This course is designed to help students become more effective and successful employees and organizational communication professionals by teaching principles and practices in the areas of effective supervisor-subordinate communication, effective coworker communication, participating in formal and informal communication networks, information sharing, intercultural communication in diverse workplaces, conflict management, ethical workplace communication, and a variety of other important communication practices.

Analysis of organizational communication processes, and development of interpersonal, presentational, and group communication skills that are useful in business, governmental, and professional organizations. Junior standing suggested.

The discovery and development of effective creative communication for undergraduate students. The class includes an overview of creativity and communication strategies that relate to personal and professional situations. Learning modules include creative development, promotion techniques and skills as well as focus on establishing, maintaining and leading relationships through the integrated marketing communications process.

Offers the opportunity to develop one's communication skills by incorporating communicative practice. This is an advanced public speaking course.  Students should be familiar with the fundamentals of public speaking and have taken an introductory public speaking course. Knowledge of public speaking principles is presumed.

Study of the philosophy, theory and practice of argumentation; analysis and comparison of classical and contemporary models of advocacy and evidence; examination of argument in public policy, legal, and debate settings. Practical experience in developing and presenting arguments.

Consideration of theory and research pertaining to the handling of conflict across diverse contexts.

Elective (6 units)

Any of the Skills courses above or the following courses count as electives:

A survey course in mass communication designed to give students an overview of the field.  This includes an examination of:  (1)fundamental terms, concepts,& theories  (2) key figures, events & milestones  (3) social, cultural, & technological implications (4) effects & consequences of exposure/use  (5) ethical parameters  This course explores the historical, social, economic, and cultural forces that have influenced the development of the media. Individual media institutions are examined in terms of the information they distribute, the entertainment they provide, and the influence they bring.  Special attention is paid to the audience/medium relationship, as well as to improving audience members' media literacy.

This course will investigate the role that information and information technology plays in our social and communicative processes. It will look at the affects of information access/aggregation and instantaneous communication on management styles, the shape, functionality and utility of modern organizations and societies, the changing role of individuals and the issues of anonymity, privacy and security.

Theories of Social Influence with particular attention to the means of changing  attitudes and behaviors.

This course focuses on the connections between music and Communication from a social scientific perspective. The course includes three broad sections: 1. Music as communication discusses the definition of music as a form of communication, and its connections to verbal and nonverbal communication. 2. Music as mass communication examines social scientific research on motivations for producing and consuming music, as well as music's content and effects. 3. Music as intergroup communication considers music as a communication phenomenon in the context of intergroup relations, focusing on music's role in exacerbating and ameliorating intergroup conflict.

Examination of the campaign strategies and tactics of those seeking the nation's most powerful office from 1960 to the present.

Presents a number of accomplishments and challenges in the social scientific study of law, with special emphasis on the effects of communication and social structure on the legal processes.

Any course with the COMM prefix (with the exception of COMM 200) can be included in the Communication Minor. The above courses are the only courses available to COMM minors in Fall and Spring semesters. There may be more offerings in Study Abroad, Winter, and Summer sessions.

Note: COMM courses are popular and fill up quickly, registration in COMM courses is not guaranteed and COMM minors may have to take summer/winter courses.

Explore additional Undergraduate Online Minors offered under the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.