Rosalind Greene

Office: Communication 315
Office Hours: Fall 2023 I Thurs 9:00am-10:00am via Zoom & by appt
Rosalind is an adjunct lecturer teaching Communication and the Legal Process. She is a Trial Consultant with Advanced Jury Research, co-chair of the Professional Standards Committee of the American Society of Trial Consultants, a member of the State Bar of Arizona. She received her J.D. from the University of Arizona, College of Law where she was the Research Editor for the Arizona Law Review and received a B.A. with high distinction in Communication also at the University of Arizona. She practiced law with Snell & Wilmer for eight years, primarily in the areas of general litigation with an emphasis on products liability. She has also worked in mediation and served as a Judge Pro Tempore Settlement Master. She has been a seminar presenter for the Arizona State Bar, The Arizona Trial Lawyers’ Association, the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the State Bar, and the ASTC.
Selected Publications
Greene, R., & Mills-Spaeth, J. (April 2010), The Vanishing Jury Trial Phenomenon & Trial Preparation, The Arizona Attorney.
Greene, R., & Mills-Spaeth, J. (February 2010), Are Tweeters or Googlers In Your Jury Box?, The Arizona Attorney.
Greene, R., & Mills-Spaeth, J. (February 2011), Say What You Mean: Drafting Comprehensible Jury Instructions, The Arizona Attorney.