Patricia Sias

Research Areas
Patty Sias received her doctoral degree in Organizational Communication, with a cognate area in Management, from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993. Dr. Sias specializes in organizational communication and conducts research on workplace relationships, uncertainty, and leadership. She has published articles in Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and many others. She also authored the book Organizing Relationships: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives on Workplace Relationships, published by Sage Publications in 2010. She has served on the editorial boards of several academic journals and is former Editor-in-Chief of Management Communication Quarterly.
Dr. Sias also served as Director of the McGuire Entrepreneurship Program in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona from 2011-2015. She teaches courses in organizational communication, organizational leadership, and organizational training and development.
Selected Publications
Kopaneva, I., & Sias, P.M. (In press). Lost in Translation: Employee and Company constructions of Organizational Mission and Vision. Management Communication Quarterly.
Sias, P.M. (2013). Workplace relationships. In L. Putnam & D. Mumby (Eds.) The SAGE handbook of organizational communication, 3rd ed. (pp. 375-400). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sias, P.M. (2012). Exclusive or exclusory: Workplace Relationships and Ostracism, cliques, and outcasts. In B.L. Omdahl & J.M. Harden Fritz (Eds.). Problematic Relationships in the Workplace, Volume II, (pp. 105-124). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Sias, P.M., Pedersen, H.C., Gallagher, E.B., & Kopaneva, I. (2012). Workplace friendship in the electronically-connected organization. Human Communication Research, 38, 253-279.
Sias, P.M., Gallagher, E.M., Kopaneva, I., & Pedersen, H. (2012). Peer workplace friendship maintenance: Impact of task interdependence, attachment style, and gender. Communication Research, 39, 239-268.
Bryant, E., & Sias, P.M. (2011). Sensemaking and relational consequences of peer coworker deception. Communication Monographs, 78, 115-137.
Norton, T.M., Sias, P.M., & Brown, S. (2011). Experiencing and managing uncertainty about climate change. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39,290-309.
Silva, D., & Sias, P.M. (2010). Connection, restructuring, and buffering: How groups link individuals and organizations. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38, 145-166.
Sias, P.M. (2010). Organizing Relationships: Traditional and emerging perspectives on workplace relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Ph.D., Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin