Jules Barbati

Office Hours: Fall 2023 | Mon 9:00am-11:00am (Arizona time) via Zoom & by appt
Jules Barbati (Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2023) is an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Communication. Broadly, their research aligns at the intersection of persuasion and media effects with a specialization in attitudinal resistance, prejudice-reduction, and message design and processing. They seek to enact positive societal change with their research through various avenues, such as by empowering marginalized communities and raising awareness of social movements/topics, among others. Jules is specialized in quantitative, qualitative, and computational social science methodologies.
Their research has been published in various Communication, Psychology, and Public Health journals, such as Psychology of Popular Media, Journal of Health Communication, Journal of Media Psychology, and Vaccine. Jules has taught a variety of courses including Introduction to Communication, Public Speaking, Persuasion, Introduction to Research Methods, Introduction to Communication Theory, Social Media and Communication, and Media and Politics in America. Additionally, Jules has experience working on local and state-wide social advocacy campaigns, where they created and framed prosocial and public health messages using social norm appeals, inoculation messaging, and other persuasion strategies.