Jake Harwood

Research Areas
Jake Harwood (PhD, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) is a Professor of Communication. His CV is here. His research focuses on intergroup communication with a particular focus on age groups and the role of music in intergroup relations. He authored "Communication and Music in Social Interaction" (Cognella, 2018) and “Understanding Communication and Aging” (3rd Edition, Cognella, 2023). He co-edited "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication" (Oxford, 2018), “The Dynamics of Intergroup Communication” (Peter Lang, 2010) and “Intergroup Communication: Multiple Perspectives” (Peter Lang, 2005) He has published over 150 articles and book chapters. His recent publications have appeared in Media Psychology, Psychology of Music, and the Journal of Communication. He received the 2022 Robert C. Gardner Award for Outstanding Research in Bilingualism from the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, and the 2003 Giles-Nussbaum Distinguished Scholar Award from the Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association. He is a Fellow of the International Communication Association, past Editor of Human Communication Research, and past Book Review Editor for the Journal of Language and Social Psychology. He teaches courses in research methods/statistics, intergroup communication, communication and music, and intergenerational communication.
Dr. Harwood will be accepting graduate students for Fall 2025.
Ongoing research projects with my graduate research team are examining intergroup contact and communication and the role of music in interpersonal and intergroup relations. I am always happy to talk with prospective graduate students interested in these issues.
Selected Publications
***Complete CV here.
Selected Books:
Giles, H., & Harwood, J. (Eds.) (2018). Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.
Harwood, J. (2018). Communication and music in social interaction. San Diego, CA: Cognella.
Harwood, J., & Kunkle, C. (2023). Understanding communication and aging: Developing knowledge and awareness (3rd Edition). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
Selected Recent Articles († indicates student co-authors):
Paolini, S., Harwood, J., Rubin, M., Huck, J., Dunn, K., & Dixon, J., (2024). Reaching across social divides deliberately: Theoretical, political, and practical implications of intergroup contact volition for intergroup relations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12988. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12988
†Carter, S., Harwood, J., & Rains, S. (2024). When they support us: Expectations for social support from outgroup members. Communication Monographs, 91(1), 175-192. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2023.2274078
†Cooper, R. A., & Harwood, J. (2024). Humanizing dementia: Effects of counter-stereotypical messages on patronizing speech toward people with a stigmatized health condition. Health Communication, 39(6), 1175-1184. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2207281
†Gim, H., & Harwood, J. (2024). What people do matters during intergroup communication: Immediate and delayed effects of intergroup contact via cognitive, affective, and behavioral mediators. Communication Monographs, 91(3), 482-501. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2024.2304234
†Montez, D., & Harwood, J. (2024). Facilitating and hindering accurate perceptions of argument strength: The effects of intergroup bias and intellectual humility. Western Journal of Communication. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10570314.2024.2369780
†Fanari, A., †Gahler, H., †Gim, H., †Case, T., & Harwood, J. (2023). Negative side effects of music listening during cross-cultural transitions: Exploring how music hinders cross-cultural (re)adaptation among student sojourners. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 95, Article 101828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101828
- PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara (1994)
- MA, University of California, Santa Barbara (1991)
- B.Sc., University of Bristol, UK (1989)