Ed Donnerstein

Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus

Ed Donnerstein’s major research interests are in mass-media violence, as well as mass media policy. He has published over 240 scientific articles in these general areas and serves on the editorial boards of a number of academic journals in both psychology and communication. He was a member of the American Psychological Associations Commission on Violence and Youth, and the APA Task Force on Television and Society. He served on  the Surgeon Generals panel on youth violence as well as on the Advisory Council of the American Medical Association Alliances violence prevention program.

He is a Past-President of the International Society for Research on Aggression. In 2008 he received the American Psychological Association Div 46 Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Media Psychology. In addition, he was primary research site director for the National Cable Television Associations 3.5 million-dollar project on TV violence. He served as Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona from 2002-2009. He was also Dean of Social Sciences at the University of California-Santa Barbara as well as the Rupe Chair in the Social Effects of Mass Communication.

He has testified at numerous governmental hearings both in the United States and abroad regarding the effects and policy implications surrounding mass media violence and pornography, including testimony before the United States Senate on TV violence. He has served as a member of the United States Surgeon Generals Panel on Pornography and the National Academy of Sciences Subpanel on Child Pornography and Child Abuse. He has had invited presentations dealing with the issues of mass media violence and policy at some of the following (1) International Conference on Standards in Screen Entertainment, London, England, (2) National Association of Attorneys General’s Presidential Summit, (3) American Academy of Pediatrics (4) National Association of Broadcasters, (5) Directors Guild of America Symposium on Media Violence (6) Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology (7) Federal Communications Commission, (8) International Meeting on Biology and Sociology of Violence, Valencia, Spain (9) International Society for Research on Aggression (10) World Summit on Television and Children, Sydney, Australia.

Selected Publications

Strasburger, V.C., Jordan, A.B., & Donnerstein, E. (2010). Health effects of media on children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 125, 756-767.

Donnerstein, E. (2011). The media and aggression: From TV to the Internet. In J. Forgas, A. Kruglanski, & K. Williams (Eds). The Psychology of Social Conflict and Aggression. New York: Psychology Press.

Murray, J., Biggins, B., Donnerstein, E., Kunkel, D., Menninger, R., Rich, M., & Strasburger, V.  (2011). A Plea for Concern Regarding Violent Video Games. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 86, 818-820.

Strasburger, V.C., Donnerstein, E., & Anderson, C.A. (2011). Media and Technology: The Impact on Children, Adolescents and Parents. PREP: American Academy of Pediatrics, 6, Number 12.

Wright, P., Malamuth, N. & Donnerstein, E. (2012). Research on Sex in the Media: What Do We Know About Effects on Children and Adolescents. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds). Handbook of Children and the Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Donnerstein, E. (2012). Children and the Internet. In K. Dill (Ed). The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, in press.

Donnerstein, E. (2012). The Internet as “fast and furious” content. In W. Warburton & D. Braunstein (Eds).  Growing up Fast and Furious. Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.

Donnerstein, E. (2012). Internet bullying. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 59, 623-633.

Strasburger, V.C., Jordan, A.B., & Donnerstein, E. (2012). Children, Adolescents, and the Media: Health Effects. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 59, 533-587.

Krahe, B., Berkowitz, L., Brockmyer, J.,Bushman, B., Coyne, S., Dill, K., Donnerstein, E.,Gentile, D., Huesmann. R., Kirsh, S., Moller, I., Warburton, W. Report of the  media violence commission. Aggressive Behavior, 2012, 38, 335-341.

Donnerstein, E. Children and the Internet. In K. Dill (Ed). The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Donnerstein., E. Effects of violent content in pornography. In M. Eastin (Ed). Encyclopedia of Media Violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2014.

Strasburger, V. & Donnerstein, E. The New Media of Violent Video Games: Yet Same Old Media Problems?Clinical Pediatrics, 2014, Vol. 53(8) 721–725

Donnerstein, E. The role of the internet. In V. Strasburger, B.Wilson, & A. Jordan (Eds). Children, Adolescents and the Media (3rd Ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2014.

Strasburger, V.C., Donnerstein, E., & Bushman, B. Why is it so hard to believe that media influence children and adolescents? Pediatrics, 2014, 133, 1-4.

Anderson, C., Bushman, B., Donnerstein, E., Hummer, T., & Warburtin, W. SPSSI Research summary on media violence. The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2014,http://www.spssi.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.viewPage&pageID=1899&node...

Wright, P. & Donnerstein, E. Sex online: Pornography, sexual solicitation, and sexting. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 2014, 574-589.

Anderson, C., ….Donnerstein, E., et al. Consensus on Media Violence Effects: Comment on Bushman et al. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2015, 4, 215-221.

Anderson, C., Bushman,B., Donnerstein, E., Hummer, T., & Warburton, W. SPSSI  Research Summary on Media Violence. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2015, 15, 4-19.

Bushman,B., Anderson, C.,Donnerstein, E., Hummer, T., & Warburton, W. Reply to Comments on SPSSI Research Summary on Media Violence. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2016, 16, 443-450.

Anderson, CA, Bushman, BJ., Bartholow, BD., Cantor,J., Christakis, D., Coyne,S., Donnerstein,E., & Brockmyer, JF. Screen Violence and Youth Behavior
, Pediatrics, 2017, in press.

Englander, E., Donnerstein, E., Kowalski, R., Lin,CA., & Parti, K. Defining Cyberbullying
. Pediatrics, 2017, in press.

Collins, RL., Strasburger, VC., Brown,JD., Donnerstein, E., Lenhart, A., & Ward, ML. Sexual Media and Childhood Well-Being and Health. Pediatrics, 2017, in press.