Diana Leonard

Office: Communication 315
Office Hours: Fall 2023 | Mon 3:00pm-4:00pm & Wed 2:00pm-4:00pm via Zoom & by appt
Research Areas
Diana Leonard, Ph.D., joined The Department of Communication at The University of Arizona in Fall, 2000 as an Adjunct Instructor and Director of Public Speaking. Her current course teaching includes small group, argumentation, introduction and advanced public speaking. Dr. Leonard also served as undergraduate advisor and Advising Coordinator for the department’s majors and minors from 2001-2008. Her interests in advising and working with transfer students led to her doctoral research on the influences community college teachers have on their students’ decisions to transfer to a four-year institution. Her textbook (with Dr. Ray Ross), Introduction to the Speech Making Process, 14e (2012), BVT Publishing, is under revision for its 15th edition. She is currently writing a chapter in a forthcoming Australian book on reasons to study public speaking. Dr. Leonard also leads communication-training seminars and consults for private clients and organizations in decision-making processes, communication strategies, and presentation skills.
Dissertation Title
“Shaping Fuzzy Goals through Teacher-Student Interaction: A Detailed Look at Communication between Community College Faculty and Transfer Students.”
- Ph.D. The University of Arizona, Higher Education Organization and Administration
- M.A. San Francisco State University, Communication
- B.A. The University of Arizona, Psychology