Paul Wright, Ph.D.

Professor and Director of Communication Science, The Media School
Core Faculty Partner, Center for Sexual Health Promotion
Affiliate Faculty, Kinsey Institute
Indiana University, Bloomington
Senior Editor, Journal of Health Communication
Paul Wright
Research Areas
Media psychology
Audience analysis
health communication

BIO: Professor, The Media School, Indiana University. PhD, University of Arizona (2011). Research and teaching interests center on media psychology, health communication, and audience analysis. Ranked by Communication Education as in the top 1% of research productivity worldwide.

ACADEMIC JOURNAL ARTICLES: Academic journal articles span the fields of communication, health, and psychology. Illustrative outlets include: Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Annals of the International Communication Association; Archives of Sexual Behavior, Journal of Sexual Medicine, Journal of Sex Research;  Psychology of Men and Masculinities, Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Psychology of Women Quarterly,  Journal of Media Psychology, Media Psychology.

INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS/BADGES: Active pursuer of industry certifications and badges to optimize instruction in communication science professions (e.g., Data Studio Certificate, Google Analytics AcademySponsored Ads Certificate, Amazon Advertising Learning ConsoleAdvanced Google Analytics Certificate, Google Analytics AcademyAdvanced Marketing Technologies Badge, Institute for Brand Marketing; Marketing in a Cookie-less World Badge, Institute for Brand Marketing; Google Tag Manager Certificate, Google Analytics Academy; Monetizing Engagement Badge, Institute for Brand Marketing; How AI can Future-Proof your Strategy Badge, Institute for Brand Marketing; Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Academy for Ads; Amazon Retail for Advertisers Certificate, Amazon Advertising Learning Console; Amazon Demand Side Platform Certificate, Amazon Advertising Learning Console).

EDITORSHIPS: Senior Editor, Journal of Health Communication.

EDITORIAL BOARDS: Editorial boards served on include: Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Annals of the International Communication Association, Health CommunicationJournal of Health Communication, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Sexuality & Culture, Journal of Sex Research, Psychology of Men & Masculinities.

CHAPTERS AND ENTRIES: Illustrative venues include: Media Effects: Advances in Theory and ResearchMasters of Media, American Psychological Association Handbook of the Psychology of Men and Masculinities, Handbook of Children and Media, Encyclopedia of Health CommunicationEncyclopedia of Media ViolenceInternational Encyclopedia of Media Psychology.